A small town church congregation dating back to the 1830's located on the Delaware River in historic Delaware City, Delaware
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
1) For the Christmas angels from Elkton Presbyterian Church who put on such a lovely
evening program for the ladies of our churches last Friday. What a way to show the love of Christ and the good things that can happen with a bigger Kirk so willingly helps a wee Kirk!
2) For all of the singers who put in so much time to offer us an Ecumenical Christmas Cantata on Sunday and for the 68 people who attended! You really did "sing like the angels!" Special thanks to Ruth Smith for directing, Julia Morrill for accompaniment, Linda Heeren for programs, Bil Derrickson for setting up the church and taking care of the sound, and our deacons for providing a lovely and yummy dessert afterward! Everyone is talking about making this a new Christmas tradition!
3) For the 27 people who showed up to Christmas carol in Port Penn Monday night! Twice the number from last year! What a lovely way to share God's love with neighbors and friends. Thanks too to Ron Hartnett for the wonderful selection of carols, to all who so graciously received us at their doors and to everyone who provided desserts and beverages!
4) Our report from France that Marji Eriksen received our Advent package and is loving it! Marji and her parents say, "Thanks to all!"--or maybe that's "Merci!"
Don't Forget
1) The Christmas Pageant, featuring chldren from both churches, will be held this Sunday, Dec. 20 at a combined service that begins at 10:30 a.m. in Delaware City. There will be a rehearsal at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 19, also a First Pres. DC. Please let Priscilla Haugh know if your child, grandchild or a friend wants to participate so we have enough costumes for all.
2) Both churches are in the process of finishing up Adopt-A-Family giving. Items are due by Friday in Port Penn. There is a sign up sheet in the Sunday School Room in Delaware City and Jill Snow can answer questions about this project.
3) Our Last Minute Christmas Bake Sale will be held outside the Delaware City Post Office beginning at 8 a.m. this Saturday, Dec. 19. Stop by for last minute goodies for your Christmas dinner or last minute Christmas gifts--like the Port Penn Cookbook!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Help me, God, to stop. Help me to be in your presence. The tasks on my lists can wait. Still my mind; quiet my soul. Touch my eyes that I may see you as you continue to come into the world today. Amen.
*Adapted from "Where Heaven Touches Earth" by Rob Weber
Remember our Christmas Gathering is scheduled for 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 11 in the Fellowship Hall at Port Penn. This is a gift to you from Beth and her friends at Elkton Presbyterian Church. Please accept the gift of time and fellowship and come and join us! Everyone welcome!
Our first ever Ecumenical Christmas Cantata is scheduled for 3 p.m. this Sunday, Dec. 13 at First Pres. Delaware City. Please come out and support our choir as they blend their voices with singers from every other church in Delaware City and Port Penn. Directed by our own Ruth Smith with accompaniment provided by our Julia Morrill! Refreshments follow!
Check out the photos from our Family Advent Event--now posted on our home page.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A little something to think about during this busy time of the year:
Dear Jesus, during this day help me quiet all the thoughts that fill my head--where I must go, who I must see, and what I must do. In their place, give me a sense of your order, your peace and your time...I give all my tasks to you and trust you to bring order to them.
-------From the book "Quiet Spaces" by Patricia F. Wilson
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Community Thanksgiving Service--those who sang, those who donated and served the food and most of all those who came to worship!
Many thanks to everyone who donated a coat for the local veterans. We had close to 20 coats/jackets and several warm caps that were much appreciated! Thanks to Priscilla for coordinating this important effort.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Hanging of the Greens at both churches. Everyone who got things out ahead of time really helped things go more smoothly. Thanks, too, to all who participated!
This Sunday, Dec. 6
Family Advent Make It and Take It craft time immediately after the 11:15 service. This event is being held in Delaware City but is for children and families from both congregations. We will order pizza, talk about the real reason for the season and make some advent decorations for the home.
Tuesday, Dec. 8--Session meeting, Port Penn, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 9--Pot Luck, Christmas dinner, Port Penn, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 11--This One's For the Girls
"A Christmas Gathering," 7 p.m. at Port Penn for all ladies from both congregations. You don't have to bring anything, you don't have to bake anything, you don't have to stay and clean up! Just come and enjoy the real meaning of the season with your friends from both churches. This is a Christmas gift to YOU from Pastor Beth and her friends at the Elkton Presbyterian Church.
Sunday, Dec. 13
First ever Community Christmas Cantata, 3 p.m., First Pres. Delaware City. Join your friends from all of the churches in Delaware City and Port Penn as singers from all congregations join together to present, "Behold That Star!" This inspiring cantata is directed by Ruth Smith from Port Penn with accompaniment by Julia Morrill from Delaware City. Please plan to join us and stay after for punch and cookies!
Monday Dec. 14
Christmas Caroling in Port Penn! Please plan to join us at the church at 7 p.m. We'll carol throughout the town and return to church for cookies and hot chocolate! This event is open to members of both congregations.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Our Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25 at First Presbyterian, Delaware City. Father Roy Pollard will bring the message and other area pastors and lay persons will be participating. Join us for worship and fellowship (with snacks!) to follow.
The Hanging of the Greens
Both churches will hold Hanging of the Greens services on Sunday, Nov. 29 to mark the beginning of Advent. Please plan to join us at 9:45 a.m. in Port Penn and at 11:15 in Delaware City. This is a great service for children to attend!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Reminder: Both churches will be collecting goods for Meeting Ground on Sunday, Nov. 22 and Sunday, Nov. 29. Requested items include paper goods and cleaning supplies.
Will be served at both services this week. The Rev. Nona Holy of UD campus ministry will officiate.
To everyone who participated in the Port Penn Harvest Festival! Your contributions of food, crafts and time netted more than $800!
Please keep the Armstrong family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of Jack and please pray for all of our congregation members and friends who will be facing the holidays without a special loved one this year. Please pray for the many in our congregations who are aging and not feeling well.
Service of Thanksgiving
The Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service for both communities will be held at First Pres. Delaware City on Wednesday, Nov. 25 at 7 p.m. Father Roy Pollard will bring the message and we will have special music from each congregation in Port Penn and Delaware City. The Delaware City Deacons will be serving dessert following the service.
Hanging of the Greens
Both churches will celebrate the first Sunday of Advent with the Hanging of the Greens. These informal services are especially geared for children and families. Join us in Port Penn at 9:45 a.m. and in Delaware City at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 29.
Dec. 6: Families: Save the Date:
A special Family Advent make it and take it craft hour will be held on Sunday, Dec. 6 immediately following the 11:15 a.m. service. This event is for children and parents/gandparents and friends who want to make some Advent decorations for the home. We will order pizza, make some crafts and talk about the real reason for the season! The event will be held in Delaware City but is designed for families from both congregations.
Dec. 11: Ladies: Save the Date:
A Christmas Gathering for the ladies of both churches will be held on Friday evening Dec. 11. This special event is being brought to you by Beth's friends from the Elkton Presbyterian Church. You don't need to bake, you don't need to plan the program, you don't even need to get to church early to turn on the heat--it will all be done for you! All you have to do is wear your prettiest Christmas sweater and show up to eat goodies and relax with your friends from both churches as we celebrate the season. Watch for details about time and location!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
This Saturday Port Penn will reactivate its traditional fall event by sponsoring a Harvest Festival from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come and join us for crafts, attic treasures, yummy baked goods and a great lunch featuring home-made chili and soup! It will also be your first chance to purchase the new Port Penn Cookbook--just in time for holiday gift giving! Questions? Call 379-0590.
Gatherings this week:
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m., Delaware City Deacons meet in the Sunday School room.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 6:30 p.m., Port Penn, Pot Luck
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 7 p.m., Delaware City, Community Christmas Cantata rehearsal in the sanctuary.
Congratulations to Sue Ellen and George who were married in Delaware City on Saturday, Nov. 7. May God bless you with a long and happy life!
Please keep in your prayers: Julie, Ann, Jack and Olive, Becky, Al, Betty and Thelma.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Welcome New Members!
Four people were baptized and joined First Pres Delaware City this past Sunday! Welcome Matthew, Dorothy, Sharon and Catherine; a family full of believers! Many thanks to everyone who attend the reception to welcome them!
Coats For Vets
Delaware City is collecting gently used, clean jackets for vets in the Veterans Homes. The coats will be given out by a local organization on Thanksgiving Day. Please place donations on the coat rack in the Sunday School Room. The last Sunday to bring them in is Nov. 22.
Port Penn Cookbook Deadline is Sunday
This Sunday is the last day to donated recipes for the Port Penn Cookbook. Contact Debbie Pilli if you have entries or questions.
Crafters Wanted!
If you know someone who sells crafts or has a home-party business, please let them know they can have a free table at the Port Penn Harvest Celebration on Saturday, Nov. 14. To reserve a table contact Mary Lou Reynolds.
Monday, October 19, 2009
To Bill Derrickson and everyone else who worked so hard to make Delaware City's Fall Festival a success! In spite of the rain we had a steady flow of shoppers looking for bargains and goodies
from the bake table. Thanks to everyone who donated items, set up, priced items, baked things, worked on Saturday, helped publicize the event and all those other important parts of such a big undertaking!
This week!
Book Study
Our book study on "The Shack" meets at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 in Delaware City and at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21 in Port Penn. Copies of the book are still available from Beth. Come and join us and let us know what you think about this unique work of fiction that presents the Trinity in very unusual ways!
Cantata Meeting
An organizational meeting for our proposed Community Christmas Cantata will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21 in Delaware City. Singers and organists from other churches in both towns are planning to attend in hopes of joining our choir members in presenting a cantata on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 13. If you can sing or even hum along we would love to have you join us!
Questions? Contact Ruth Smith who has graciously offered to direct!
Baptism and Reception of New Members
On Sunday, Oct. 25 three members of Bonnie Bowen's family will be baptized and two will be joining the church! Please plan to join us and welcome them! Members are invited to stop by a reception the family is hosting immediately following the service.
Donate to Port Penn Cookbook!
If you have a favorite recipe to share now is the time to get it to Debbie Pilli for the Port Penn Cookbook! You can give them to Debbie in person or donate on line by boing to www.cookbooktree.com. Contact Debbie if you have questions on how to use the site. Final deadline is Sunday, Nov. 1.
Crafters Wanted!
If you know someone who sells crafts or has a home-party business, please let them know they can have a free table at the Port Penn Harvest Celebration on Saturday, Nov. 14. To reserve a table contact Mary Lou Reynolds.
Recycling Efforts
You can help Port Penn raise funds by recycling your aluminum cans. Church members and friends are encouraged to bring their empty and rinsed cans to our recycling container. Funds raised will go into the operating budget. Questions? Contact Debbie Pilli.
Monday, September 28, 2009
This Sunday, Oct. 4 we will celebrate World Communion Sunday Vanuatu style! Remember: This is a combined service that begins at 10:30 a.m. in Delaware City. Many of our brave members have volunteered to wear traditional island shirts and dresses made by the mamas on the island of Malekula! Everyone who has a Hawaiian shirt or anything tropical is welcome to wear it! We will take the offering in worship baskets made by the mamas on Efate Island. The choir is preparing a Communion song and it promises to be a special day! Come and join us! Everyone welcome!
Advent Bag Assembly
Everyone is welcome to stay after the service on Sunday and help the Deacons wrap items for out Advent Bags for shut-ins. If you have been meaning to donate something for the bags and haven't gotten around to it your contribution is still welcome. Remember, too that we have decided to assemble an extra special advent bag to send to our high school junior, Marji Eriksen, who is spending this semester in France. Oops! Wonder if she checks our website! Please pick up something this week that you think Marji would like and we will include it in her bag.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Congratulations to Bill Derrickson, Doug Eriksen, Mary Lou Reynolds and Ruth Smith for a WONDERFUL concert at Pencader Church this past Sunday! Our singers worked hard attending the Choir and the Small Church Workshops and the results were amazing! Whoo Hoo! Many thanks, too, to those of you who came out to support them!
Special Thanks
Many thanks to Jewel Blansfield who planned a spectacular Grandparents' Day celebration this past Sunday in Port Penn. We had bells, family trees and great food! Thanks, Jewel!
Children in Church
Hooray! We had three children in Sunday School this past week in Port Penn and four in Sunday School in Delaware City! Many thanks to our dedicated teachers--Debbie Pilli in Port Penn and Judy Reynolds and Bev Walton in Delaware City who are embarking on another year of service!
Meeting Reminders
Delaware City Deacons will meet at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 16.
Port Penn Session will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 17.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
This Sunday, Sept. 13 promises to be a great day for our congregations!
*First of all, remember, our worship services go back to our fall/winter/spring schedule. We will gather for worship at Port Penn at 9:45 a.m. and gather in Delaware City at 11:15 a.m.
*We will be celebrating Grandparents' Day at both services with special recognition planned for grandparents at both churches. Grandparents are encouraged to bring their grandchildren and kids you are encouraged to bring nana, poppop, grammy, granddad, mommom, grandfather, whatever you call those special grandparents in your life! Come and worship together!
*At 5 p.m. singers from both Port Penn and Delaware City will join with vocalists from other small churches in the Presbytery to present a massed choir concert at Pencader Presbyterian Church. Please come out and hear the results of the Choir and the Small Church workshops!
A covered dish dinner follows so bring something to share. Come and support Bill, Mary Lou, Ruth and all the rest!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make our service at Old Drawyers on Sunday a success! Thank you to Jewel for playing the organ, to the choir for a great rendition of "Amazing Grace," to Mary Lou for providing communion and to Pat for helping to serve; to Norm and Neil for ushering, to the Eriksen family for providing lemonade and to all the elders who came forward to help us bless Margie as she leaves for a semester in France! There is nothing better than a service in which so many play a part!
Thanks, also, to everyone who has contributed food to restock "Broken Bread," our food closet ministry. Your kind donations will help keep tummys full in our towns during this difficult economic time.
Worship Time Change Reminder
This Sunday, Sept. 6 is our last joint service for the summer. We will gather to worship at 10:30 a.m. in Port Penn. On Sunday, September 13 we will resume two services: Port Penn at 9:45 a.m. and Delaware City at 11:15 a.m.
Saturday, Sept. 12 Choir Workshop
The last workshop in the series the Choir and the Small Church will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Pencader Presbyterian Church and all singers from Delaware City and Port Penn are invited to attend. These AMAZING workshops are fun for all who attend. Please mark your calendars and plan to join in--you do not need to have gone to previous sessions to attend on Sept. 12.
Sunday, Sept. 13--Grandparents' Day and Choir Celebration
On Sunday September 13 we will celebrate Grandparents' Day at both of our morning worship services. Special activities are being planned. All grandchildren are asked to invite their grandparents to church that day and all grandparents are asked to bring their grandchildren with them to worship. We will have Sunday School in both locations that day for those children who wish to attend.
At 5 p.m. on Sunday, September 13 members of our joint choir will join singers from several other small churches in the Presbytery to present the choral works they have learned by attending the Choir and the Small Church workshops. The concert begins at 5 p.m. at Pencader Presbyterian and is followed by a pot luck. Ruth Smith, Mary Lou Reynolds and Bil Derrickson have attended the workshops and we are hoping other members can attend the last one (see above). All members of both churches are urged to come out to the concert and support everyone for their great work!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Don't forget our final service for the month of August will be held this Sunday, Aug. 30 at Old Drawyers in Odessa at 10 a.m. Communion will be served, our combined choir will be singing and we will have a time of fellowship and lemonade following our worship service. Hope to see YOU there!
Backpacks Blessed
Many thanks to Jewel Blansfield who coordinated our "Blessing of the Backpacks" event on Sunday in Port Penn. We had lots of goodies to put in our own children's backpacks, more backpacks to give away to children at Southern Elementary and a cupcake feast! It was just wonderful to see so many children and families attending! Thanks, too, to Debbie Pilli and her helper Margie Eriksen who provided Sunday School for children ranging in age from two to 11--what a job!
Choir Reminder
The second workshop for the Choir and the Small Church will be held this Saturday at Pencader Presbyerian from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes a free lunch. Our three members who attended the first event had a great time and highly recommend it to all! If you haven't pre-registered but want to attend just show up!
Prayer Requests
Please remember to pray for
*the friends and family of Frank Havens who went home to be witih the Lord last week
*all of our families who have lost loved ones this summer
*all of our remaining senior saints, many of whom are having health issues
*our sessions, deacons, pastor and Sunday School teachers as we being a new program year in September
Monday, August 17, 2009
*For the family and friends of Frank Havens who went home to be with the Lord.
*For our students and teachers as they head back to school.
*For the family and friends of Mr. Boone, who went home to be with the Lord.
*For Dawna Eriksen's sister.
*To Dr. Thom Scott for filling the pulpit on Sunday, Aug. 16 and to Fred Palmer for providing special music. Port Penn and Delaware City are always uplifted by the speaking and singing of these two local favorites!
*To Scott Burkley and the congregation of New Covenant Presbyterian who joined us on Sunday, Aug. 9 for a joy-filled joint service!
*To all of our choir members who attended the Choir and Small Church Workshop on Saturday. Thank you for your dedication to our churches and their music ministries!
Special service for children and teachers
All members of the congregation are invited to bring their children and grandchildren (with their backpacks) to the service at Port Penn this Sunday, Aug. 23 at 10:30 a.m., when we will have a special "Blessing of the Backpacks" Back-To-School service. Any members or friends who are teachers or school workers are invited, too. Come and help us celebrate and pray for all of our children as they enter a new school year! Children are invited to join Debbie Pilli in Sunday School after the special children's part of the service.
Items Needed
All members are asked to consider donating 10 small items for our Advent Bags for Shut-ins.
Session Meetings Scheduled
Fall is almost here and it's time for our Sessions to return from summer break!
*Port Penn Session will meet on Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 7 p.m.
*Delaware City Session will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 2 at 7 p.m.
Monday, August 3, 2009
*For the family and friends of Emilie Tugend, who went home to be with the Lord.
*Prayers of thanksgiving for our wonderful turnout on Sunday! Singing in Port Penn
never sounded so good! Many thanks to all the faithful who came out!
Many thanks!
* To Julia Morrill for putting out the latest edition of our newsletter.
* To George and Sue Ellen and to Bill and Andrea for already volunteering to take a shift at Broken Bread!
This week's worship:
We will be worshiping this Sunday with members of New Covenant Presbyterian, providing a temporary home as that congregation gets a new roof. The service will be at 10:30 a.m., upstairs in Port Penn so dress casually for our un-airconditioned space! In exchange for our hospitality New Covenant has invited all of us to its annual Pig Roast that will be held at 4 p.m. that afternoon on the grounds of the church off of 896 on Boyds' Corner Road.
*We need people to staff the Broken Bread food closet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 13 and Thursday, Aug. 27. Please let Sue Schauber or Jewel Blansfield know if you can help.
*We need people to donate ten $1 gifts for our Advent Bags for shut-ins. Please contact Linda Heeren if you need some ideas!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Please Pray For...
*Sue Schauber and Ed in the loss of Ed's brother, Frank.
*Frank Havens
*The family and friends of Signe Cox Cavalier and the family and friends of Charles Crompton, both long -time members of First Presbyterian, DC, who have gone home to be with the Lord.
*Julia Sidwell, our 100-year-old member in Port Penn, whose son, Jack Lattomus, age 75, passed away last week.
*Our church families as we work together to grow and become more Christ-like.
Church News...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
CHURCH NEWS - July 19th, 2009
Please keep in your prayers:
*We have been praying for Sue Schauber's friend, Ed, and Ed's brother, Frank, as they both undergo chemotherapy. Frank has now been put on hospice care. Please pray for all Frank's family and friends and especially Sue and Ed.
*The family and friends of Signe Cox Cavalier and the family and friends of Charles Crompton. Both Signe and Charles, long -time members of First Presbyterian, Delaware City, passed away this month.
*Julia Sidwell, our 100-year-old member in Port Penn, whose son, Jack Lattomus, age 75, passed away last week.
* Our church families as we work together to grow and become more Christ-like.
*To Priscilla for organizing a thank you for our Sunday School teachers and for providing our first Lemonade on the Lawn; and to Jill and Judy for weeding and cleaning up that same lawn! To all of the people in Port Penn who have gone out of their way to help Julia through this difficult time.
*Triple Play Service on Sunday, Aug. 9
We will be joined by members of New Covenant Presbyterian Church as we worship in Port Penn, beginning at 10:30 a.m., on Sunday, Aug. 9. We are sharing our facilities that day while our friends from the Middletown Church get a new roof! We will meet upstairs so dress will be cool and casual! As a thank you for our hospitality we are invited to join the New Covenant congregation at its annual Pig Roast that afternoon. Watch for more details!
*Dr. Scott and Fred
Dr. Tom Scott will fill the pulpit on Sunday, Aug. 16 while Beth is on vacation. Fred Palmer will provide special music and we are thinking of trying lemonade on the lawn!
*Christmas in August
The deacons in Delaware City would like to assemble Advent Bags for shut-ins in both congregations. This will require the help and support of us all! What is an advent bag? Basically it is a tote bag stuffed with 25 small surprises. The surprises are wrapped and a bag is delivered to each of our shut-ins by Dec. 1. This way they have a small gift to open each day as they move through Advent toward Christmas. We will need people to supply the surprises, people to wrap them and people to deliver the bags. While the deacons are organizing this activity they need YOU to help carry it out. If you can donate items for the bags, help with the wrapping or the delivery, please let Dawna Eriksen know. Beth’s mom has gotten Advent bags from her church for many years and the bags include inexpensive items like Christmas ornaments, hand lotion, pot holders, small picture frames, slipper socks and some days candy or something to eat—basically anything church members want to make or purchase at the dollar store. We are estimating we will need to make 10 bags. Dawna has already donated small notebooks and a few other items so you may want to check with her so we don’t duplicate. We are hoping to have this project finished by the end of August so we will not add to our own Christmas stress! Please call Dawna and tell her how you can help!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Online Photos!
Monday, July 13, 2009
New Website and Email Address
The First Presbyterian Churches of Delaware City and Port Penn have a new website and email address! The hope is that this service will make the church more visible in the community, make it easier to find information about the church, and give us a place to post photos and news of current church activities.
The new website can be found at www.delawarecityportpennpresbyterian.com. Soon there will be photos, church activities, and past sermon links to check out!
The new email address is DCPPPresbyterian@gmail.com
You can use this email address to reach our Pastor, the Rev. Beth Thomas. Feel free to send along prayer requests, suggestions, or just say hello!