Advent Meditation
A little something to think about during this busy time of the year:
Dear Jesus, during this day help me quiet all the thoughts that fill my head--where I must go, who I must see, and what I must do. In their place, give me a sense of your order, your peace and your time...I give all my tasks to you and trust you to bring order to them.
-------From the book "Quiet Spaces" by Patricia F. Wilson
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Community Thanksgiving Service--those who sang, those who donated and served the food and most of all those who came to worship!
Many thanks to everyone who donated a coat for the local veterans. We had close to 20 coats/jackets and several warm caps that were much appreciated! Thanks to Priscilla for coordinating this important effort.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Hanging of the Greens at both churches. Everyone who got things out ahead of time really helped things go more smoothly. Thanks, too, to all who participated!
This Sunday, Dec. 6
Family Advent Make It and Take It craft time immediately after the 11:15 service. This event is being held in Delaware City but is for children and families from both congregations. We will order pizza, talk about the real reason for the season and make some advent decorations for the home.
Tuesday, Dec. 8--Session meeting, Port Penn, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 9--Pot Luck, Christmas dinner, Port Penn, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 11--This One's For the Girls
"A Christmas Gathering," 7 p.m. at Port Penn for all ladies from both congregations. You don't have to bring anything, you don't have to bake anything, you don't have to stay and clean up! Just come and enjoy the real meaning of the season with your friends from both churches. This is a Christmas gift to YOU from Pastor Beth and her friends at the Elkton Presbyterian Church.
Sunday, Dec. 13
First ever Community Christmas Cantata, 3 p.m., First Pres. Delaware City. Join your friends from all of the churches in Delaware City and Port Penn as singers from all congregations join together to present, "Behold That Star!" This inspiring cantata is directed by Ruth Smith from Port Penn with accompaniment by Julia Morrill from Delaware City. Please plan to join us and stay after for punch and cookies!
Monday Dec. 14
Christmas Caroling in Port Penn! Please plan to join us at the church at 7 p.m. We'll carol throughout the town and return to church for cookies and hot chocolate! This event is open to members of both congregations.
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