Many Thanks!
To Bill Derrickson
and everyone else who worked so hard to make Delaware City's Fall Festival a success! In spite of the rain we had a steady flow of shoppers looking for bargains and goodies
from the bake table. Thanks to everyone who donated items, set up, priced items, baked things, worked on Saturday, helped publicize the event and all those other important parts of such a big undertaking!
This week!Book StudyOur book study on "The Shack" meets at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 in Delaware City and at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21 in Port Penn. Copies of the book are still available from Beth. Come and join us and let us know what you think about this unique work of fiction that presents the Trinity in very unusual ways!
Cantata MeetingAn organizational meeting for our proposed Community Christmas Cantata will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21 in Delaware City. Singers and organists from other churches in both towns are planning to attend in hopes of joining our choir members in presenting a cantata on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 13. If you can sing or even hum along we would love to have you join us!
Questions? Contact Ruth Smith who has graciously offered to direct!
Baptism and Reception of New MembersOn Sunday, Oct. 25 three members of Bonnie Bowen's family will be baptized and two will be joining the church! Please plan to join us and welcome them! Members are invited to stop by a reception the family is hosting immediately following the service.
Remember:Donate to Port Penn Cookbook!
If you have a favorite recipe to share now is the time to get it to Debbie Pilli for the Port Penn Cookbook! You can give them to Debbie in person or donate on line by boing to Contact Debbie if you have questions on how to use the site. Final deadline is Sunday, Nov. 1.
Crafters Wanted!If you know someone who sells crafts or has a home-party business, please let them know they can have a free table at the Port Penn Harvest Celebration on Saturday, Nov. 14. To reserve a table contact Mary Lou Reynolds.
Recycling EffortsYou can help Port Penn raise funds by recycling your aluminum cans. Church members and friends are encouraged to bring their empty and rinsed cans to our recycling container. Funds raised will go into the operating budget. Questions? Contact Debbie Pilli.